This Easter Eggs were made using the idea of symmetry. The first graders decorated them the way they wanted, but making both sides symmetric.
This Easter Eggs were made using the idea of symmetry. The first graders decorated them the way they wanted, but making both sides symmetric.
One by one, we´ve decorated all of these tongue depressors. Each of them is different, but when we combine them the result is very interesting. This art piece is on dislplay in by the stairs in front of the level 2 classrooms.
Henri Matisse, aside of being one of the most important artists of the last century became an expert in the use of colour and collage. Based on Matisse´s style, we´ve created these collages unsing the positive and negative pieces of the paper. They are very interesting, aren´t they?
This huge mural is made out of 50 different pieces. We wanted the Guernica to be colourful and the pupils chose their favourite colours in order to decorate it. Now, we know that this is a symbol of peace, and we will proudly exhibit it in our lower level corridor.
Our school has been decorated with many human-sized legos lately and that gave us the idea of creating our own legos. Check out the first one that Ainhoa made for me! It´s lovely, isn´t it?
Louise Bourgeois was a renowned French-American artist and sculptor, one of the most important artists in modern and contemporary art, and known for her spider structures which resulted in her being nicknamed the Spiderwoman. Her largest spider sculpture titled Maman has loomed over numerous locations around the world, standing at over 30 ft (9.27m). We tried to imitate her artistic perspective by mixing water with the paint […]
We used our fingers to mix plasticine and extend it all around this parrot. Plasticine has got texture and also you can mix it to get new colours. Some parrots looked real! Do you like them?
Ainhoa brought to school her cute notebook. She has made the cover with eva foam. It previously was a regular notebook, but now it´s very personal because she decorated it with that funny face that you can observe in the pics. Thanks for sharing your cool ideas!!!